General workers

Sokołów Podlaski
Dodane: Piątek, 14 Marzec, 2025  15:24

Szczegóły ogłoszenia

  • Kategoria: Dam pracę / Inne
  • Forma pracy:Pełny etat
  • Umowa:Umowa zlecenie
  • Dodatkowe:Brak wymagań
  • Płaca brutto min.:4666 zł
  • Wynagrodzenie:miesięcznie
  • Pracodawca: HR CONNECT Sp. Z o.o.

Opis oferty pracy

Location: Nearby Sokołów Podlaski.
Work conditions: working in the production of juices, concentrates, and fruit mousses. ‍???? The temperature in the workshop is comfortable, not low. The clothes are comfortable. For shoes, most girls wear sneakers (preferably near the pool, rubber galoshes, although it is dry there in most cases).
???? Main duties: There are several responsibilities and processes, changing every two hours: - finished products enter the pool, where they are cooled. - from the pool, the juices get to the line, where the quality of the packaging is controlled, and the presence of defects (there is a video) - then the products get to the line, where the sorting and packaging of juices.
???? For men, loading and transporting boxes and pallets (boxes weighing up to 12 kg).
Shifts: 12 hours. week of day work, a week of night work, and so on.
Working hours: from 07:00am to 07:00pm (19:00), and from 07:00pm (19:00) to 07:00am. The schedule is set by the coordinator. From Mon to Sat, Sunday is a day off.
Payment is hourly: PLN 30,50 gross per hour.
Additional payment: There are bonuses from 200 hours- depending on the amount of worked hours per month.
Accommodation: We provide housing - when settling in, a deposit of 100 PLN. For the first three months, the pay is 60 PLN /person, then 10 PLN /month. These funds are for the hostel needs.
Work on a contract basis. Salary payment, to the bank account, once a month. From the 10th to the 20th of the month following the month worked out!
To apply, please have with you:
- passport
- bank account number
- work visa/ residence card/ other documents allowing to live and work in Poland (if available)
Contact information:
Wilenska street, 43/1, 05-200, Wolomin, Poland
Phone: (+48) 794 - pokaż numer telefonu -
E-mail: @
Powiadom o podobnych ogłoszeniach
Lokalizacja: Sokołów Podlaski w promieniu 25 km
Kategoria: Praca » Dam pracę » Inne

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